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Nonprofit Net August 2022 Update

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Meet our Board

Meet our hero Stephanie Schauffhausen, Nonprofit Net's treasurer!

Stephanie had a long time affiliation with the Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra, where she served on the board as president for 20 years and became the executive director from 2015 to 2021. She volunteers with other nonprofits in Waltham and occasionally coaches attendees of NPN seminars. In 2015 Stephanie was given a Waltham Hero Award. Currently retired from paid work, she previously held roles as an elementary school teacher, computer graphics and IT temp, music teacher, lab technician, and day care provider.

Coming in September

Join Nonprofit Net as we kick off the fall season with a free webinar hosted by strategy expert Barry Horwitz.

Tuesday, September 13th at 1-2 pm EDT

A Theory of Change (TOC) is an important element of strategic planning for nonprofits, yet many nonprofits don’t develop theirs. This seminar will discuss what Theory of Change (TOC) is, how you develop one, and how it helps make your strategic plan truly strategic.

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