Welcome LAP Fall 2024 Cohort

Earlier this month, the NPN's Leadership Acceleration Program (LAP) 2024/25 Fall Cohort convened in person for the first time at The Boston Foundation.
Spearheaded by NPN, the Leadership Acceleration Program (LAP) draws inspiration from the Harvard Kennedy School's Achieving Excellence Program. Margo Kelly, LAP's Executive Coach, leverages her experience as the former lead coach for the Harvard Kennedy Program.
Over the next nine months, the seven Executive Directors will drive the LAP forward. Their collaborative partnership with coaches and the peer group, utilizing LAP's robust frameworks, will be pivotal in tackling their organizations' multifaceted performance challenges and advancing transformative change.
We thank Laura Parrow, NPN's President, for her steadfast leadership and vision. Her contributions and those of the NPN Board are instrumental in shaping and elevating NPN's free webinars and the broader nonprofit community.